Monday, March 1, 2010

Garbage Changes

Big changes are on the way to how the City of Vancouver deals with its Garbage. In short, if this report gets passed, starting in 2011 garbage collection will only be once every two weeks. Food waste and yard trimmings will be picked up once a week and composted in Richmond. This is part of a larger regional plan to get foodwaste out of the landfill.

As always this will only effect the single family resitential homes. Apartments and the Industrial/Commercial sector remain subject to the ravages of the market at least for now.

Alas, I won't say too much about this as various pieces of paper I signed loosly prevent me from doing so, however, I must say personally I think its a good idea. Although it would be smarter to focus on the commercial/industrial sector as they are the bigger offenders. Hrmmmm........

1 comment:

  1. Огромное спасибо всей Канаде за красивую олимпиаду!!!
    16 незабываемых дней!!!

    Many thanks to all Canada for beautiful Olympics!
    16 unforgettable days!
