Teammates and fellow Super Soldiers
I regret to inform you that upon reviewing Q1 and Q2 financial statements the Super Soldier - Team X project is expected to be over budget by years end. In the interests of financial accountability and the continued success of this program the following efficiencies are to be be implemented immediately:
- use of the Super Sub/Invisible Plane for personal/take home use is suspended until further notice
- Personnel Defence Lasers can only be set above 40 megawatts with the signed justification from your supervisor ( See Josie to pick up your new and improved - Personnel Defence Laser Use Form 101A)
- In the event that an appropriate catastrophic event(A.C.E) occurs outside of regular working hours call-outs are limited to Standby Team A only, with this said underwater catastrophes remain the sole jurisdiction of Seatastic the Wonder Dog.
- mileage dispersments are limited to conventional modes of transportation only, trips to Moon Base X via the teleportation ray will no longer be eligible for the 52C/mile rebate, rebates via conventional modes of transportation remain subject to managers approval.
In addition to this the Team X will no longer respond to the following events:
- Earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 and less
- Flooding in any area with a population density less than 1200 people per square mile
- Any event/catastrophe occurring in the Southern Hemisphere
As we all know, budget season is fast approaching so I would appreciate any innovative cost cutting ideas you may have for next year. I know things have been a bit crazy around here ever since Wizardo opened up that dimensional vortex to the neither world, but I'm sure that if we all work together we should have a successful and efficient second half of the year
Thank you,
Doctor Magnificent
Vice President - Interdimensional Catastrophes & Cost Control
Super Soldier - Team X
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