Friday, March 5, 2010

One Year of The Concrete Rainforest!

Hey everyone, in celebration of the one year anniversary of this blog. I have decided to republish the first post. It consistent of my rant about a miserable little article by Vancouver City Councilor Geoff Meggs about his perceived impotence in the face of social housing changes.

I hope you enjoy my vitriol and I'd like to thank Mr. Meggs for his continued insipid fo-leftism which has managed to inspire in me enough anger to start this blog which I have been enjoying more and more as the weeks go by.

So here it is a blast from the past.

Hey all my first blog post and that article that inspired me, here is an interesting article from Vancouver City Councilor Geoff Meggs about the upcoming demolition of some of the last affordable housing in Vancouver (89 units at 4500 Fraser)

I am currently shedding a single tear for poor old Geoff and crew who just couldn't do anything to help the people living in these homes and I sincerely hope their upcoming round-table discussion on affordable housing goes great!

Their feigned impotence and glad handing of Vancouver City Council on this matter is vomit inducing. Saying they say they don’t have legal authority to deny the permit when they set the bounds of that legal authority is ridiculous. Similar permits are denied because people don’t have the right number of fancy rocks near their stream beds and salmon wading pools.

The City of Vancouver’s authority in these matters is quite explicitly spelled out in the Vancouver Charter/Local Government Act, so they need not worry about legal authority. Additionally they certainly could of delayed the demolition as Geoff himself pointed out, but alas the “developer would loose to much money”. Which I will leave to speak for itself. Anyway, thanks for listening to my rant, I’ve been reading ever more news about Civic Politics in Vancouver and getting increasingly angry so hopefully there will be more.

Thanks again for reading, and heres hoping for a few more years!

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